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VU Meter possible?

Submitted by bante on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 23:07
Control Surface Studio User

Hi! Does anyone know if it is possible to get VU-meters on my Reloop Mixtour controller going with remotify? Thanks!

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9 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

On my custom diy midi controller I get vumeter using the mackie control script, I m working on it now maybe that can help you?

Control Surface Studio User

Ive been trying to figure this one out too and found that it should be possible with a listener hook but dont know enough about python to implement it. My controller specifically takes in cc for a vu array via one input per channel, with increasing midi values from 1-7 representing the individual lights. I think I can definitely make it work if I could select master vu as an object in css. Thank you if possible!

Forum Admin

Yes Vu Meters can be displayed using either of the following values:
live object model > output meter left
live object model > output meter right

The attached script uses a single LED to output to display the vu meter (the vu meter should expect to receive MIDI velocity value from 0 - 127, but you can edit this if needed).
The script includes 3 example reactions which will display the VU Meter for tracks 1,2 and 3.

When editing it yourself...
1. To change the track, this needs to be done in 2 places.
In the listener AND in the 'current input value' which is in Action Block 1's Action Section.

2. To change the LED output, change the 'controller input' in Action Block 1's action section..
Make sure you have added the LED output in the controller template.

Here's a quick video on where to edit the reactions: https://youtu.be/UIb8tXTiRcg

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Pro User

I just got nervous.
You are a monster.

Forum Admin

haha :)

Control Surface Studio User

@John thanks a lot!
another question nearly related to this, I m implementing a color display to my controler, I need my controler to receive the midi cc value to move the slider on the screen, it seems that the led feedback only send the cc number but not it s value, do you think it s possible to send it to my controler? by exemple sending the value of my control cc1 on channel one ?
@kidlogic do you also make midi controler with tttapa control surface library?

Forum Admin

LED feedback sends the midi velocity value.
If you need to send something else to the controller you can use the reactions action
'midi controller > send raw MIDI data to controller'
More info on using this is discussed here: https://remotify.io/community/question/how-display-ableton-track-colors-...

Control Surface Studio User

The scrip John provided was very helpful!

My challenge now is that I can’t distinguish VU from encoder position.

The VU is routed to an encoder LED ring and basically acts like a white vu meter. The encoder is also used to control different functions and the ring indicates the value of that parameter in white. They are both white, so the VU meter basically masks the parameter value. (FYI, I have my hardware set to “fill” the LED ring, as opposed to :”point”)

Is there a clever way to use reactions to color the parameter value one color and the VU another?

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

Thanks for the new update! very appreciative. I am trying to get this to work but having no luck. There is no option to turn on LED output in controller template.

Any ideas?