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LED on/off on Midimix for unassigned button

Submitted by m_reilly on Mon, 01/25/2021 - 22:11
Control Surface Studio User


total newbie, just got into this earlier today and I am having a very hard time understanding how to set all the "MUTE" and "REC ARM" LED buttons on my Akai Midimix to not be assigned any function, but to have Ableton recognized that there is a LED associated with the button. I basically then want to be able to use the MIDI mapping in Ableton to select what I want the button to used for(depending on the session), and still get the LED ON/OFF functionality. I Do understand how to do what I want if I assign a button a MODE(I have a nice play and stop buttons and light up depending on if it's playing or stopped), but I don't see a mode or anything for unassigned buttons(i.e. basic control function).

I tried to follow the "Sending custom LED feedback to your MIDI Controller with Reactions
" but don't really understand what code I am entering and why without a reference guide. I imported the code at the bottom of said page and tried to adapt it for one button on the midimix but it just throw errors in the log and will not show up as a selectable controller in ableton(it does install successfully).

anyway long story short.... HELP!

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