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Add LED feedback raw without having to add reaction

Submitted by cuberoo_ on Mon, 01/24/2022 - 09:02
Free User

For controllers such as the Xone K2 LED feedback is done via sending note messages, which are different from the button note itself, unlike the launchpad, for example. With the current design for remotify, as far as I can tell, this leads to having to add reactions for a lot of the controls, and given that this can require 3 different states, in the case of clip launching for example, this leads to a huge amount of pain compared to being able to set the feedback in directly in a mode's mapping. It would be much easier to be able to set this in the mapping itself, directly.

I can see that it might be some work to add the ability to select notes and so on, but it seems like it would be reasonable straightforward to add the ability to add a send raw midi bytes to controller. For example, in this could be added under custom in a volumes LED feedback. For session box it's harder as you would need to have a custom set of controls for each pad, but it could be handled in the same way, but now having a LED feedback page for each pad, selected for viewing and editing by a button next to the pad assignment.

If this is not possible it would be great if you could describe an approach to adding custom LED feedback for each pad, I what yellow for clip is present, but stopped, red for triggered or stopping, and green for playing. At the moment it seems that I need to add 16 reactions for each possible state combination?

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9 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello cuberoo,
Your first sentence: 'LED feedback is done via sending note messages, which are different from the button note itself' led me to the assumption that you could add these note messages in the 'Controller Template' itself. You could add them as buttons I guess.
That way you would be able to select them like you would any other input controller. :-)
Would that help?

Free User

Thanks, this actually works really well for mute/solo and so on, not to mention I already had those buttons set up as they are the three layers on the k2 :-)

However, I'm t not sure it is so easy for the clips, as when I create a session box and assign as button for each pad in the box, it then only lets me assign a single value between 0-127 for the different LED feedback states, implying that it will use the button/pad to the midi to send to. Is there a way to do this?

Forum Admin

Brilliant tip 303_!

For session box 'clip state' feedback, unfortunately only a velocity value can be selected.
For the K2, you would be best to not add any feedback in the sess box itself, instead use clip listeners in reactions to send feedback to controller.
Listener: 'live object model > clip > playing status has changed'
Action: 'midi controller > send MIDI velocity value to input'

For using clips relative to session box position...
In the path menu (the little hand icon), make sure to select 'relative track' and 'relative clip slot'. For all listeners and actions.

Free User

Do i need to add a clip listener for each pad time 4, to handle the different states: blank, stopped, triggered, playing? If so as I have two xones, that will then add up to being 256 listeners!

Forum Admin

You can put all 4 into 1 reaction and then use 'script > listener number' in your conditions to check which listener fired the reaction and then, based on that, perform the appropriate action
There's a full explanation and demo in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZbjo-NcfV4&t=435s

Free User

So i've been playing around with this and i can't get it to fire correctly when triggering and playing clips, in particular, I've added listeners for clip slot (just 1,1 for now)

- clip slot's has clip changed (turn to yellow, when clip added)
- clip slot's is triggered value has changed (turn red)
- clip slot's playing status has changed (turn green when playing/recoding and yellow when stopped)

does this make sense? at the moment playing status does not seem to trigger even if a clip is playing then stopped and so on

Free User

don't worry sorted it now, was finding it a bit confusing, but logging the triggers helped in working it out.

Control Surface Studio User

Good to hear that you managed cuberoo_!
Great tip John, I hadn't watched that video yet. So you can basically make an elegant 'if-then loop' based on the different listeners that are in the 'Reaction', that is cool.

Control Surface Studio User


I'm trying to do the same but it doesn't work.