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Using 2 notes to turn on / off seperately (no toggle!)

Submitted by Blackdawn on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 07:05
Free User

i have 2 pretty simple questions

1) i assume i can assign more than one cc / note to one macro in ableton with this tool right?

2) so what i desperately need too is one note to TURN ON something and a different note to TURN OFF regardless how often i hit it !
coz on stage i cant use this stupid toggling on/off when i hit my footcontroller where i dont have a display and see if its on or not !!
(my footcontroller only can send notes)

so how would i make this with this app or is it not possible with it?

big thanks in advance

7 Responses


Forum Admin


1) you can assign multiple cc/notes to the same function by having them on different modes. For more detail, modes are explained here

2) Are you talking about turning a Device on and off? Only toggling this button is possible unfortunately.
However, maybe use clip automation to achieve this?
i.e. have one clip turn the button off and another to turn it on.
If this would be ok for you, you could create a custom session box in Remotify for your foot controller and have it automatically positioned around those 2 clips using 'offset positioning'.
Have a look at the offset options for session boxes here:

Hope this helps.


Free User

thanks for the reply

to 1) i understand i can assign notes from different modes to the same macro in ableton without overwriting right? does this really work with simple notes sends?
and wouldnt i have to switch the mode permanently on one controller then somehow or always hold down a stupid shift button additionally to the control or can make it scripted for one knob?

to 2) i can see automation on dummy clips would work, but i think this is really dirty for such a simple task... im using this for automated control but not for manual..
i always launch a whole line of clips on stage and having these additional clips somewhere to be triggered seperately is kinda meh and is making the setup even more complex since i must store them below the normal lines with the play clips..

Free User

addition to 2) i use dummy clips on the audio track where my FX rack is on for automated effects, even if i wanted i couldnt add dummy clips for manual trigger since they would need to be on the same track and when i play them they would stop the dummy clips for the automated control... so this is not possible that way..

Forum Admin

1) yes you would need to switch modes either using a shift or mode activation button.

2) to get around this, the devices and dummy clips would need to be on their own channel, with the audio routed into it from your other track. Its a solution, not the cleanest but one at least. If you don't want to look at the screen then the complexity shouldn't matter as much.

Maybe you could use a button on a different controller which has an LED? then you would know if it was on off.

The only other way would be, as I mentioned before, to custom code these controls inside a midi remote script as this isn't standard behaviour for the on/off device button parameter.

Sorry I don't have a better solution for you at present.


Free User

1) there are plugins in max4live that let me map midi notes to other notes so i can map some knobs from one controller to send the same ones as the other to control the same

2) i still dont see how thats possible since i already have dummy playback tracks automating the vocoder plugin (turning up and down stuff at a specific parts of the songs)
so these automation dummy clips have to be one the same channel as the vocoder plugin and have to keep running during the songs... so i cannot launch other dummy clips on the same channel to control another parameter in same vocoder plugin and i cannot use another channel since i cannot duplicate or move the vocoder plugin to another channel.. since having 2 of them makes no sense

im the singer so ofc i dont look at the screen and no my footcontroller doesnt have lights, my keyboarder can see it but i want to control it myself too

do you have an example of such a script or a descrition how to write it?

thanks in advance

Forum Admin

2) Hmm yes its difficult for me to say as I can't see your Ableton setup.

What is the make/model of your foot controller?

"do you have an example of such a script or a descrition how to write it?"
I don't unfortunately and it would require a fair amount of investigation work which we don't have available at the moment. I'll add it to our development list though.


Control Surface Studio User

Hi , i just read your request ... wouldn't it work of you put The vocoder in a rack , then make a Second parallel PatH in The rack so that you can Blend over from The clean Track And The vocoder Track .... then you can assign ohne Note to where The vocoder is active and ohne Note to The clean ... search for rack devices in ableton and The Chain Funktion Or ask here again and i will Text to explain better ! Cheers