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Updating an existing Remote Script

Submitted by SgtBilko on Fri, 02/03/2017 - 06:49
Pro User

I only signed up last night, but I like the look of your app and the feedback you give your users. After sending this email I am going to go "pro" as it will allow me to "hardwire" the user definable buttons on my MackieMCU into all projects.

I have a MackieMCU and a Push2 hooked up to Ableton. In general the MackieMCU script works well, with two issues:

1. MCU does not "follow" Ableton when Push2 moves the Session box
2. MCU does not move the Session Box when you (using the MCU buttons) move "Fader Bank" or "Select" a track not in the current Session Box. Moving the whole "Fader Bank" by 8 tracks can be done by pressing (left and right) "Bank" or a track at a time "Channel". Either way pressing these buttons on the Mackie mean you move to tracks which are not "Selected"
....... essentially I want Ableton, Push2 and MCU to always be focusing on the same 8 tracks.

I hope that makes sense.

A. Your app does not allow me to amend existing scripts. I understand that would be impossible / difficult for .pyc files but I do have .py files from Julien Bayle's site http://julienbayle.net/ableton-live-9-midi-remote-scripts/ located here https://github.com/gluon/AbletonLive9_RemoteScripts Is editing existing .py scripts something you are intending to do ?
B. If you are not planning this (or if it isn't possible) then can I get your app to work by creating a "virtual instrument"..... i.e create a script e.g. "Ians MCU override" put it higher up Ableton's midi list than the existing Mackie Script with the same midi ports as the MCU ?

The alternative would be to remap the whole of the MackieMCU.......... something I really don't want to do

Thank you


9 Responses


Forum Admin

Hey Ian,

Thanks for joining up as a pro user, I hope you're enjoying the app.

I can only speak for scripts built with Remotify for keeping the session boxes focused on the same tracks but...
Session boxes in our scripts feature "linking / combination mode" built in, which means if you move one session box then they will all move together, keeping them focused on the same tracks.
This hasn't been documented yet as we're working on some customisation options for it but documentation and news will be released in the near future.

You're correct that the app doesn't allow you to amend existing scripts, this would be pretty impossible to develop, what you can do is edit scripts that were originally built with Remotify (they contain a .json file in their folder).

With regard to this question:
" If you are not planning this (or if it isn't possible) then can I get your app to work by creating a "virtual instrument"..... i.e create a script e.g. "Ians MCU override" put it higher up Ableton's midi list than the existing Mackie Script with the same midi ports as the MCU ?"
Yes you can create a script which is mapped to control some of the controls on your MCU and put it above the other MCU script in the preferences so it would override the original.

I hope this helps.


Pro User



Does that mean that I should be able to make a session box for the MCU using Remotify and make male that track the one created by Push2 ?


Pro User

Sorry...... now spelt properly


Does that mean that I should be able to make a session box for the MCU using Remotify and make that track the one created by Push2 ?


Pro User


I decided to look for some clues in the Push2 script. The button on Push2 which moves the track focus to the right and (when it reaches the end) moves the session box sends out a cc message on 45. I have searched all of Julien Bayle's compiled Push2 scripts and can't find 45 anywhere..... any clues what to try next ?

Forum Admin

Hi Ian,

I'm not sure what you mean by "make that track the one created by Push2"

Also you've confused me with your last comment, are you wanting to move the session or highlighted track? sorry :/


Pro User

Sorry I don't make my self clear.

I don't think Remotify will do what I need although it is a great tool and I will certainly be using it for other tasks.

I had to resort to reprogramming the Mackie Scripts in Python. What I wanted it to do is make the Mackie "follow" the track selection changes made on screen or on Push2. For example if track 9 is selected (on screen or on Push2) I want the Mackie to shift to Bank 2 (i.e. tracks 9 10 16). That's done now, although its taken me all day !!!

Forum Admin

Glad you've managed to get your issue working another way.

It sounds as though you want your Mackie to use the highlighted/selected track, is this correct?
as all of the mixer & device controls in Remotify have this option, just choose "selected" in the "track type" option.
Then whenever the currently highlighted track changes, your controls will instantly switch to the new track.

upload files: 
Pro User

Thanks John

Not exactly. Ableton, Mackie and Push2 all work completely in sync when it comes to selected track. So selecting a track on one device selects it on all three.

The problem is as follows: Say you have banks 1-8 showing on both Push2 and Mackie. Then select track 9 by clicking in Ableton or pressing the right arrow 8 times on the Push2. All three select still track 9..... so far so good.........but whereas the Push2 jumps to track 9 and shows it onscreen, the Mackie remains on bank 1-8. You only know it has selected track 9 if you press the change bank button and shift to tracks 9-16. So as you move around the project, not only do you have to select tracks but you have to make sure Mackie is showing the right bank.

I reprogrammed one of the Mackie scripts so that whenever the track selection changed the Mackie changed banks automatically to show the selected track.

I also restricted the scrub wheel to only working in arrangement view (I have 2 screens) and I stopped "Zoom" and "Scrub" launching clips in session view.

It helps that I have done VB.net, IOS, C#, Python programming in the past, but I wanted to avoid it if possible because I have forgotten so much...... that's where Remotify should come in useful as I'm after another midi controller, plus I will use it to programme the 16 user buttons on the Mackie.


Forum Admin

Thanks for the info Ian, I think I understand now.
I've not touched on displays yet with midi remote scripting, so it's interesting to hear that you were able to customise its functionality to fit your needs.
