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Unarm all armed Tracks

Submitted by aehaem on Wed, 10/18/2017 - 19:47
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I have a basic question before I start trying out remotify (sorry, but I just need to save some time for playing my guitar...;))
So since I cannot arm tracks in ableton with an on-off state I am not able to have a unarm all armed Tracks-switch on my footcontroller.
So does remotify memorize what Tracks are enabled, that I can switch all tracks off and the disabled tracks will stay untouched?
Sincerely, Dennis

3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Dennis,

Remotify scripts don't memorise enabled tracks, this sort of functionality is currently not possible.
There's probably other ways to achieve turning on/off multiple tracks, have you tried using groups in Ableton?


Pro User

Not sure I'm understanding what you want to do.

For "unarm all" just arm and unarm one. i.e. set your foot switch to arm one track - either selected or specific - them pressing it twice should unarm all armed tracks.

Pro User

I am using multible tracks "armed" at once (i. e. playing a vst- Bass with my footcontroller and playing guitar, so I have 2 tracks "armed", usually I have 3 or 4 "armed" tracks). So I would need possibility to "unarm all armed tracks, instead of the necessity to use 3-4 switches to "unarm" all related tracks. Especially when using sessionBoxes...(of cours I am trying to order my tracks in a consequential order, to have as less space (tracks) between the utilized tracks, but this isn`t possible often)
The easiest way would be to have two different commands for "arm" or "unarm" (i.e. a note on command for "arm" and a note off (value 0) for unarm. So I could switch all tracks (within session box), by sending (i.e.) a note off command for all tracks, that would only apply to "armed" tracks and ignore those in "unarmed" state...
I hope this makes my petition comprehensible and I apologize my moldy english, but this is not my native language...
Anyway thanks for reading and answering.