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Turning on all the LEDs for the pads I have mapped when the script is loaded

Submitted by danicroitor on Tue, 02/26/2019 - 09:07
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

What I've noticed is that when I first open the Ableton and the script is loaded I don't have any of the LEDs on my controller on. Sometime some of them are on but with the wrong colour. As soon as I start pressing them they are being activated with the right color.

Is there anyway to integrate this: when the Ableton and my project is loaded the controller would respond with turning on all the leds that I have mapped

does this makes sense?

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3 Responses


Pro User

I have done a video showing what's happening https://www.icloud.com/photos/#0Q7jkZR3_CGkDKJCQflHNoIow

Forum Admin

Not yet available, but will be in the near future.

Pro User

Thanks! Looking forward for this one! I guess in part would be solved if I could switch every led feedback from listening to a pad/button to listening to an Ableton function like (track mute/arm.... play..stop...etc but from I figure out not all the things can be listen to)