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trying to understand how reactions works

Submitted by benwadub on Sun, 10/24/2021 - 13:40
Control Surface Studio User

hi , i d like to begin using reactions, I d like to create a simple button to create audio tracks but really don t understand what I have to write in blank spaces?? the reaction documentation is really unclear for me as I can t see in control surface what is corresponding to all I read in the document
see in the pic how I tried to use button 24 to create track.

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2 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Damn I was not up to date with reactions 2.0 you made a crazy nice job!!! I managed to make this!!

Forum Admin

I was just about to say... sounds like you're using the old version of Reactions :)
Lots of Reactions v2 tutorials here: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio#reactions-videos