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Trying to get Reactions to work

Submitted by pag on Thu, 03/21/2019 - 14:33
Control Surface Studio User

I'm really trying to understand Reactions by myself, but it seems it's really hard to do anything without good knowledge of both the LOM and Python...

Anyway, here's what I'm trying to achieve :
- when Live's playback is running, send 127 on CC10
- when Live is stopped, send 0 on CC10

pretty simple, right ?

I have done the attached Reaction, but nothing happens (Button1 is set to CC10).

If anyone can help me, I'd be grateful. Thanks

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5 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

well, after some time spent reading again and again the Reactions Reference page, I noticed that the tables are actually horizontally scrollable ! this helped me a bit since at least I learnt what the listeners are for.
But still no luck in sending CC value to the outer world...

Not to mention all the bugs where if I click outside Reactions then go back to it, my Button has changed to a Show Message...

The more I use CSS, the more cryptic it appears...

Pro User

I hear you. I had the same problem and I would love to find a way to fix that. From what I figure you cannot listen to any of the LOM.

A workaround in your/our situation is not to listen to transport buttons but pads/buttons/etc.

What i did I create 2 reaction one to listen to Pad1 another to Pad 2..
... check the screenshot bellow

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I'm not sure I get this right...
When you listen to a Pad/Button, does the "is_playing" status get updated only when Pad/Button is pressed, or is it always updated ?
Another question : do the Pads you use actually exist on your controller, or are they here just to be able to listen to some parameters ?

Pro User

The pads are from an external controller I use.
I guess you can use the reactions without "is_playing" cause in order to get led feedback to a specific pad you have to listen to "is_playing" witch is not possible yet... I thing it is a bug.

Pro User

I think I remember What I was thinking when I did that:
jfor eg. for stop you have 2 options: stop playing and stop all clips. you can set what is what in the reaction. that's why I've used it in the reactions