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Trouble with new CSS and M1 machine

Submitted by joonielipton on Wed, 06/28/2023 - 16:30
Control Surface Studio User

Hi there.

I have been trying to get the new updated version of CSS installed onto my 2020/16gb/M1 mini mac.
I have used the software on the same machine previous to the update.
I have followed the instructions provided (ie terminal commands).

The instal happens and then the first attempt at opening tells me that the software is "damaged".
This is all verified here on the site and the instructions to work around the issue are clearly explained and easy to follow. They just do not work for my machine.

Any help at all would give me an erection. :)

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1 Responses


Forum Admin

To get around this issue on M1, make sure to follow the instructions on the installation troubleshooting page here: https://remotify.io/installing-control-surface-studio

Make sure you add a space after the command, then drag and drop the control surface studio app from your application folder (not the downloaded dmg file).