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Trigger device & sync Parameters of selected device

Submitted by antoniskoll on Tue, 07/04/2023 - 00:42
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I would like to know if CSS is capable for triggering automatically the parameters of selected device. Giving you an example.

Mapping device parameters for compressor and EQ8. When I select the compressor I would like the script to send the parameter into the Midi Fighter twister, and when I select EQ8 then to sending me the Parameters for the EQ8, Basically, I would like to do this that this video shows.

How can I do this? with the reaction?

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22 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi, thats what css is for. Do the tutorials and you find the way.

Its very easy:
Define buttons to select device (for example eq in device 1) and map the Parameter controls to the selected track.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi, if I understand your question correct that's possible with "Device Parameter" mapping for a selected Device in a selected Track. This also gives you LED feedback to the MFT. Regards, mj

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Control Surface Studio User

Ups, sorry trololololol...didn't see your post ;-)

Control Surface Studio User

No worries, your answer is better anyway.

Control Surface Studio User

Guys thanks for the answers but I did it as you show me, but with this method I have to setup different knobs for each device. For instance, knob 1 t0 4 for compressor, and for EQ knobs from 5 to 16. What I need is when select the device, the CSS to realize it and in the same knobs to change the parameters. Example:
I select compressor: I can control the Parameters for Compressor from knobs 1-4
I select EQ: I can control control the parameters for EQ from knobs 1-16
Ask me for any questions? sorry for my english!

Control Surface Studio User

*What I need is when I select the device, the CSS to realize that I select the compressor or EQ and enable the knobs for the device I selected

Control Surface Studio User


We understand you and youre almost there.
What you do ist:
Selected track
Selected device
And map the Parameter 1-6.
This way the controls are mapped to the selected device

Control Surface Studio User

Ok thanks I will do it

Control Surface Studio User

Ok, But If I want for the compressor the knob 1 to be the threshold (parameter 1) and for the EQ the knob 1 to be the Frequency A (parameter 6), what I have to do?

Control Surface Studio User

U map the Parameter in ableton to macros and map css to the macros. Then its consistent the same. I do that witj all Devices.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok but Could you do it without Macros?

Control Surface Studio User

The problem is that parameter in ableton are all over the place.
You can do a reaction that sets your midifighter in different modes depending on the selected device.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok I understand. It sounds complicated. Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it. I'll do it with macros. Thanks again.

Control Surface Studio User


Listener: selected device on selected track

Action Block 1:
Condition: if device Name is dyn8
Custom Action:
Set Mode to 1

Action Block 2:
Condition: if device Name is compressor
Custom Action:
Set Mode 2


That would be the rough idea, i dont have a Laptop here to show you.

Please check the tutorials, modes are shown there as well as actions.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks For that. I will try it.

Control Surface Studio User

trololololol I tried with modes and reactions but it was completely failure. something I miss

Control Surface Studio User

Pls show your reaction as screenshots so i can guide you.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok When I get home, I will share a notion page with all the screenshots and it will be public for future use.

Control Surface Studio User

I shoot a video explaining all the actions I did. In the Reactions, I don't know what to select. I have it in a notion page so you could write anything you want or attach video or screenshots.
This is the link for Notion.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok..im sorry to bother you, but this is useless. If i have the time i make you the reactions. Until then pls watch the tutorials and try around.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi antoniskoll,
The videos on https://www.youtube.com/@remotify/videos helped me out so much when I started with CSS. In your case, the videos hereunder are best suited to tackle your specific problem:

Watch those and then:

  • Make a mode for each device you want to make mappings for.
  • In those modes assign the mappings you will need for that specific device.
  • Make a reaction that reads the name of the device and change to the according mode when the device name is the same as set in that reaction

Hereunder you can find a starting point for your needs.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for this. My problem was I could not find how to make a reaction to change the mode.