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Track is selected // LED feedback behaving weird

Submitted by 9b0 on Mon, 08/09/2021 - 23:24
Control Surface Studio User

I've created a simple script for my MIDI Fighter Twister, where I'm controlling the volume and selection of 16 tracks. Encoders and buttons work fine, but the LED feedback behaves pretty weirdly.

// What I expect:
When a track is selected, I want my corresponding encoder to blink. This works by sending a value of 5 to the corresponding LED.

// What I'm experiencing:
By default, the first track blinks when I startup Live.

When I select the second track, the first track stops blinking, but nothing else happens. Does not matter what I do, the selected track feedback only works if the first track is selected.

Except... When I create 16 tracks, as soon as the 16th track is created, the 16th encoder starts blinking. And after this, all the other encoders start to receive the feedback they should have gotten before.

If I have less than 16 tracks, the LED feedback is not working. If I have at least 16, they just work.

// Video:

// System info:
Live version: 11.0.5b6
Windows 10

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4 Responses


Forum Admin


It sounds like the LED feedback part of your script could be breaking/erroring because its expecting 16 tracks

What you can do:
1. check the log in CSS or ableton log.txt file and post it here for us to check for errors.
2. Or I have a MF Twister here, so if you want to send over the script I can test it for you. You can send it to: help at remotify.io


Control Surface Studio User

I've tested the new CSS version, and the issue is still around. But... I've taken a look at my mapping, and it looks like, I've found the solution.

The image below should explain the problem better than what I'm capable of with words. The order of tracks DOES matter. I think, an option to rearrange the track order would be helpful in the editor, since I had to manually reedit each track now.

upload files: 
Forum Admin


So are you saying that if the tracks are ordered as per your image then your LEDs work correctly?
And with regards to rearranging the track order, you didn't use the drag and drop function to put them into the correct position? did you manually rename & reassign them etc?
Sorry, I'm abit lost with what could be going on with this. The order in the UI should have no impact on the script - but I could be wrong.

Control Surface Studio User

Hey John,

The order:
yes, I'm convinced, that the order on the GUI matters. I did just try it again by rearranging the tracks, I'm able to reproduce the issue anytime (and also to fix it anytime).

Drag and drop:
I did not know, this feature exists. :D I was trying to drag the tracks to change the order, but I was trying to grab the name of the tracks, not the icons. Now, that you mentioned drag and drop is implemented, I was trying to achieve this functionality, and I only had the idea to grab the icons. This way I was able to rearrange the tracks easily.
Thanks for the hint, knowing this would have saved me about an hour before rebuilding my script from scratch. :D

I hope, this helps to figure this thing out! :)