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Track Navigation

Submitted by gewoon678 on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 23:58
Pro User


I'm Trying to create a script that will let met navigate through abletons Session View via a DIY midi controler.

I'd like to move up and down the scenes, like how you can move left and right through the tracks, but i can't find the mapping for it.

Also, is it possible to map the Session record function as well as a selected Clip launch and selected clip stop functions?

I'm asking this because i'd like to map my controler so that I cant easily record and play back clips on different tracks and different scenes.

Thank you!

1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi there!

We don't currently have scene navigation or session record mapping types.
We will be working on adding them in the future though so hold tight for them :)

