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Tips for Mapping MAX For LIve devices?

Submitted by danicroitor on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 08:02
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,
I have this max4live device (se the screenshot) and I wanna map some of the buttons in there.
What would be the way to do that? Does anyone has any tips on how to do that?

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22 Responses


Pro User

I think I've come closer to what I was looking for but I'm not there yet.
I've used macros inside Ableton to map different buttons from the plugin and then inside CSS I used devices/parameters to map to that specific macro.

The problem I have is that I don't know how to get led feedback from those macro!!!

They are actually buttons that when I press a pad on my controller it goes directly to 100. witch is fine by me cause it works but again... I don't know how to get led feedback from that.

Does anyone knows how to do that?

Pro User

I've managed to make it work.
For the first macro: Led Feedback REACTION when is on:

listener: Pad 1
condition: tracks / [0].devices[0].parameters[1].value == 100 - cause the knob inside Ableton goes to 100 when is on.
Reaction: Pad 1 | .send_value () 1 - that would send a value of 1 to my controller witch would lit the led with white

the same goes for off state just change the condition value to "0" and the reaction to another value in order to have another LED color.

I hope that this would help someone!

Pro User

Now, even though it works it seems that Follow Scene will stop working when using macros.

Pro User

That means that I would still need a way to map the device directly

Pro User

I think that part of my problem is due to the CSS limitation (maybe) since there is that "maximum/minimum" thing and I don't need that.

What I found usefull is using pads with the
First: 1
Last: 100 - since there is that 100% thing
Invert: On
Takeover Mode: None

The hard thing was also to figure out what parameter is what.
And to find out - since I'm not an IT guy I start mapping every parameter to the same knob - one parameter at a time - and see that it changes and I made a list of them.

So if there is anyone else fighting with Follow Scene from isotonikstudios here is a list of what I did find regarding what parameter does what:

Parameter 1: Reset plugin
Parameter 2: Trigger Type
Parameter 3: Follow Action Type (select by scrolling)
Here are the values for every option - if you are using knobs:
Next: 30
Previous: 26
Again: 0-14
First: 50
Any: 73
Name: 88
Cue Next: 101
Relative: 115
Chosen: 127
Parameter 4: Trigger Time
Parameter 5: Bypass Looping/No. Loops Before Action
Parameter 6: Launch Curent Scene
Parameter 7: Launch Follow Action Scene
Parameter 8: Time/Time till Action
Parameter 9: Time/Time till Action
Parameter 10: Time/Time till Action
Parameter 11: Relative/Record - Launch Follow Action Scene (select number)
Parameter 12: Cue Next/ Leave Clips Playing (selecting)
Parameter 13: Cue Next/ Leave Leave Transport Running (selecting)
Parameter 14: Any / Include Current Clip

Parameter 15: Again
Parameter 16: Previous
Parameter 17: Next
Parameter 18: First
Parameter 19: Last
Parameter 20: Any
Parameter 21: Name
Parameter 22: Cue Next
Parameter 23: Relative
Parameter 24; Choosen

Parameter 25: Chosen ONE
Parameter 26: Chosen TWO
Parameter 27: Chosen THREE
Parameter 28: Chosen FOUR



Now a way to listen to any of these parameters and send led feedback would be AWESOME!!!!

Pro User

The problem I have with these setting though is that for the first press, in order to get the led feedback I have to press twice, even thou the parameter activates at the first push of the pad. If there isn't a fix for that I think that a way to just listen to the parameter instead of a button would solve this.

Pro User

Here is the script for what I've just posted above. maybe someone could have a look and find a fix

Forum Admin

Awesome work.
"in order to get the led feedback I have to press twice"
You have a Condition in your Reaction which means it will only fire when '[0].devices[0].parameters[17].value' equals 1. If you also want it fire LED feedback when it equals 0, you would either need to remove the Condition or setup another Reaction Which checks for 0 and sends the appropriate Velocity Values.

One question about your first screenshot, why are you using 'Absolute' for Control Type of your Pad and not 'on/off'?

Pro User

Hi John,
Yes I'm using Absolute. I don't know if it is related to that devices or has something to do with CSS but as if I choose On/Off it does not work properly. I've tried all the combinations I could think of.

If I choose toggle. It works the first time I press the button. If I keep pressing it after that it only changes the collor of the led and that's it no change on the device.

With momentary. it does not work at all: no led feedback and no changes on the device.

Only thing that worked it was absolute.

Sure, there is that possibility that I'm doing something wrong.

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Pro User

For the LED feedback: because I don't know how to make CSS listen to changes on a device's parameters and send led feedback, and that's a bummer cause the first time I'm opening the project I would need to know the state of some parameters...anyway.
What I did is I created only one condition for reaction for every button I press but inside that reaction I've set up multiple reactions so when I press PAD 1 it would send value(8) to PAD2, PAD3, PAD4...etc
I did that for every other Pads that i need to use for that reaction.

There is no need for me to set up a reaction when the value is 0.
Also the way this device work is if I press twice on a button/parameter it does not deactivates it. I have to press another parameter in order to deactivate the first and activate de 2nd. Does this make sense to you?
That's why I don't need - I guess - reaction for 0. And this works well so far because all those pads are related and it enough just to press one of them when I first open my project and I'm getting led feedback for every other PADs.

Pro User

I followed your advice and removed the condition from the reactions and It worked. I don't have to press twice anymore.

I'm guessing that for that condition to be of any use is to have the listener to listen to something else than that PAD. But how to do that is the BIG question.
I would experiment with different LOM but as soon as I choose one as "listener" the reactions changes automatically to "show message"

Pro User

I'm trying to map the freeze button on the reverb device Ableton.
It does not work with on/off control type
It only works with absolute but the problem here is that it does not stay activated. As soon as ai release the PAD i'm pressing it deactivates the parameter.

It could be a bug inside CSS? or I am doing something wrong?

Pro User

After trying a few things I think that this maybe related to min/max options.
I'm saying that because if I wanna for example map a macro inside Ableton with the press of a Pad, it goes to a max of 100 and Maybe for Control Type: on/off to work for a button type parameter it needs to go all the way to 127.

I've monitored the knobs to see at what value does a button mapped to a know changes from ON to OFF and what I found is that it changes to ON only at the value of 127.
O I'm thinking that there's something to be done about that min/max thing.

What do you think?

Pro User

I remembered that I had the same problem with transport I had to set up all of them with "absolute" in order for them to work.

a bug?

Forum Admin

From your comments in #9 it sounds like one of the velocity values you are setting for either On or Off is wrong (probably on is wrong). This would explain why toggle only works once and momentary does not work at all.
Have you checked the velocity value is correct?

Pro User

My controller has 64 value for ON and I always make sure it 64.
With toggle it works only when I press the first time the button and that's it. beside that it only change the coluor of the LED not the parameter

Control Surface Studio User

#9 I have the same problem with Max4Live parameters. Absolute does work but toggle not. Very annoying.
#13 I also think this is related to the min/max settings. Is this a bug?

Control Surface Studio User

#15. And to add my velocity values are correct.

Control Surface Studio User

This is the solution for me:

Control type: 'Relative'
Left: 0
Right: 127
Steps: 1

Control Surface Studio User

I am having the same issue. I can't use any toggle switches on my controller and it reads 100 maximum on the effect rack when set to "On/Off" in a rack. I can make the rack work but then I lose LED feedback on my Xone K2.

Control Surface Studio User

i have the same issue. i can't figure out which maxforlive parameter belongs to which number.. no clue how max is ordering it. and brute force testing leads to nothing, i tested the first 250. and its really shit work...

really nobody here who can help in this???

Control Surface Studio User

here is some helpers to find the LIVE parameter ids...
put it in the axmd file.
lowest is css parameter 1..
id's can make jumps while css paramters dont or vice versa..

but it's much more easy to find

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