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Is there a way to have specific track control non-relative to session box?

Submitted by mjolsen1221@gmail.com on Tue, 01/16/2018 - 18:38
Pro User

I'm wondering if there is a way to set up my controller to have some tracks be operated independent of of the session box. Each time I have used the "Specific Track" script for volume or track activation, the button changes which track it controls as I move the session box to the left or right. For example, If I set the volume control to be specific to track 1, it work great so long as the session box starts at track one. If I move the session box to the right by one track, the same fader now controls track 2.

Now I if I got rid of the session box all together I would be assigning faders to unchangeable tracks, and that's unideal.

My specific application for this is to be able to assign track specific on/off device buttons for the dry patches I ReWire through Reason (i.e. pianos, lead synths, pads) and send through busses. I am not controlling volumes or effects in these specific tracks, I'm sending them through busses with the effects and controlling the busses. That way I can control all the pianos from one channel instead of individually routing reverb through each channel.

The issue comes when I move the session box to to right. Now, the button I designated to activate my real piano patch activates my cp80 because its the 14th track from the start of the session box, not the 14th track in the Ableton session.

Anyone have any ideas to work around this? I'd prefer not to have to forego the session box and run each section I want to control through different modes because I use the session box to launch many scenes.



1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Michael,

You could add another mode which doesn't contain a session box and those controls in there?
If a mode contains a session box then all controls are linked to its position.

Hope that helps! :)
