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Is there any possible way to save my Launch Control XL

Submitted by shintinglin on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 19:36
Free User

Launch Control XL has 8 user bank. However, the pick up mode(or take off mode) in ableton couldn't use on Launch Control XL. The konb will jump to current site if I switch to another band. Thus, I just can use the one bank avoid to messing my setting.

Is there any possible way to save my Launch Control XL. I am going to buy remotify if u can make it possible (pick up mode or take off mode for bank switching).

3 Responses


Forum Admin


I'm a little unclear about a couple of things in your post.
what do you mean by "take off mode"?

Also here:
"The konb will jump to current site if I switch to another band."
Are you trying to say the knob will jump to current device if you switch to a new track?



Free User

Thanks for ur reply and sorry for wrong word, I mean "take over mode".

Here is an example, If I map one knob in bank 1 to master vol and the same knob in bank 2 to track 1 vol, When I turn the knob in bank 1 to 9 o'clock and switch to bank 2 taking same knob to control track 1 vol, if the current vol value in track 1 is 3 o'clock, I twist it and it will jump to 9 o'clock value from 3 o'clock because it couldn't use pick up mode or take over mode.

Sorry for my poor English, the same question in Ableton Forum is more detail and clear.

This issue also appear when the control surface(automapping) is off.

Also I want to appreciate u write this program to make some change about midi mapping.

Forum Admin


As far as I can tell, this sounds like an issue with the hardware itself.
I don't currently have access to a Launch Control XL to test this out unfortunately.

The only thing I can suggest is try creating a custom midi script with the free version of remotify and see if this issue still occurs.

If I manage to get one I'll test this out myself and report back here. Sorry i can't be of more help.
