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Tempo blinking for the play button

Submitted by danicroitor on Wed, 06/06/2018 - 06:33
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

The Script that I had with my controller had a few interesting things and one of them was that I was able to see the tempo when looking at the Play Button. Also, It was a way knowing that it was activated.

Is there anyway to replicate that with remotify?

3 Responses


Forum Admin
At present you can set LEDs to playing (on) and not playing (off). Having it blink to the tempo is interesting idea and would be good. However could be very difficult to implement as controllers all have their own special ways of making a button blink.
Pro User

If you can make any button turn of and on wouldnt be possible to take the tempo message and convert it some how to on/off state of a button? does that make sense? This way doesn't matter if a controller has a certain way of making stuff blink.

I have an livid cntrl and the default script had that - I don't know actually how is implemented though (if you wanna take a look: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6xpuo60owc4hhs/Livid_CNTRLR_v2_retro.zip?dl=0 )

Forum Admin
Yeah that could be possible, its not something that's available as standard so would require research.