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Sync with Touchable

Submitted by MELODEAST on Fri, 02/09/2018 - 07:14
Pro User

Hi everybody

As mentioned above, I'd like to synchronise touchable with my hardware control surface

When registering as a pro user, I thought the combining mode would allow me to do so. Then I've created a script with a 8x4 Matrix, but as I lové the session box,it doesn't link up with Touchable session box. One is moving, buy not the other one, and vice versa

Then I've read that the combining mode works only got the session boxes created with remotify . That is probably the reason. So Is there a way to dolce my problem? I've heard about max for live device called launch sync, but I'm looking for something simpler and more straightforward

Touchable script is provided uncompyled. So the py files can be opened easely with a text editor. I tried to modify the script but it didn't work

Thanks in advance

7 Responses


Hawn Solo
Pro User

Hi Melo,

I haven't actually gotten around to testing TouchAble with my setup yet but when I do I plan on using LaunchSync https://isotonikstudios.com/product/launchsync-series/

If I have time I'll try to test it out this weekend and report back if Remotify scripts are compatible with Launch Sync, which would allow for syncing to Touchable.

Pro User

Thanks a lot for your feedback !

I Heard about launch sync; but I was trying to avoid max for live devices to keep my set up as simple as possible.

On saturday night, I tried to modify the touchable script itself. Actually I've noticed that enabling the combining mode in remotify script, generates an additionnal instruction in the code. I don't remembrer exactly, but it was something like set.session.link( )
So I tried to copy / paste the line inside Touchable code, but it didn't work (as expected)

Anyway, I'd be curious to have your feedback about launch sync
Is it easy to set up? Is it working find with the iPad?
What about the cpu usage?

Have à Nice day

Forum Admin

Hi Melodeast,

I think you're on the right track, set.session.link( ) is what makes session boxes linkable.
Its possible that the launch sync's session box is called something else like '_session' in which case you would need to add set._session.link( )
Also, make sure its below where the session box is defined in the script (and in the same function).

I'm interested to see if we can figure this out, upload that snippet of their code here or email it to me and I'll take a look. :)


Hawn Solo
Pro User

Hi Melo,

I tried testing using LaunchSync to connect Touchable to my Remotify scripts, but LaunchSync did not recognize any of the scripts. I sent Isotonik a support ticket asking if they would add Remotify support to LaunchSync or if there was any piece of code we could add to our scripts to get it to work but they responded:

"Sorry it's not something that we'll be adding to LaunchSync, we can't support third party scripts unfortunately."

So it seems they will only support official scripts... I guess we will have to continue to tinker around on our own.

Too bad since LaunchSync seemed like it would be a simple solution and the cpu usage was next to nothing.

Pro User

Hi guys

I've been working on Touchable SessionComponent.py for two days, and frankly I'm a bit down.
Most of the time, after a modification, the sript doesn't compyle; and when it does, it still doesn't work.I

It's ashame because although Touchable is a great app, probably the best for ableton, it lacks bitterly of hardware integration. And Remotify with the combining mode, plus few lines more Inside Touchable script would be a little revolution!

Glad to read that Launchsync is very light on cpu consumption. It's a great solution, but it involves max for live and it's not universal. So ... imagine if John could solve the problem, for 20 dollars more than the price of Launch sync, you have remotify plus touchable sync!

John, thanks for the support. I've uploaded the txt file of Touchable script. If you could have a look, it would be great. But I wouldn't complain if you don't figure it out. The code seems a little bit more complex, and the integration of launchsync is complicated.


upload files: 
Forum Admin

Hi Melo,

I've attached a version of the script with _link included.
This may or may not work I'm not sure.
Make sure you keep a copy of the original script so you can revert if this doesn't work.



upload files: 
Pro User

Hi everyone

Thank you John for the support, it's very Nice of you

Sadly I tried the modified script and it didn't work. While the compilation is ok ( Touchable shows up in the control surface list), the iPad and the iPhone could''y make the connection with the server. On both tablets, the error message "live is not running" occured.

I Then struggled to make it work by changing the instruction place, changing the name etc... No way, when the server recognized the tablets, there's no synchronisation or it's not compyling.

I'm not that surprised because the integration of launch sync caused a lot of scripting. It would have been to easy to add a simple Line to figure it out.

Anyway thanks a lot for your Time, I think I'm gonna forget about That and focus on music
