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Switch On Sending Value of 100, Rather than 127

Submitted by neilb on Sat, 04/10/2021 - 17:11
Control Surface Studio User

I set up my encoder switches in Control Surface Studio like any other button. Then used the Device function in each Track to map the perimeter I want them to control (Utility > Mono)..

The issue I’m running into is that clicking the encoder is only setting the value to 100, instead of 127.

I’ve check all of the settingsI can think of and the range is correctly set to 0-127, snapping is on, and range is 0% to 100%. I’ve tried changing message type on. my controller from Note to CC, but that did not make a difference. I’ve tried changing settings in CSS from Absolute to On/Off. I tried changing Momentary to Toggle. None of these seem to resolve the issue. I was a able to do a workaround to test one parameter where I mapped the on and off function to a macro knob, which accepts anything above 64 as “on,” but I can’t do this workaround for everything I need to map.

Any other ideas on what the issue may be or a setting I can make to resolve it?

Thank you

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9 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Neil,
If you double click on the 'max' slider's number, you should be able to directly enter a number. Could you try entering 127 in there. This may do the job for you.

Control Surface Studio User

Just wanted to say I was struggling with the same issue and John's suggestion worked.

Is this a bug? Surely 100% should equal the maximum midi output i.e. 127?

Not intuitive at all and I would never have found the solution without searching here.


Control Surface Studio User

Actually while John's suggestion of directly inputting 127 solved controlling the Ableton parameter correctly, it has now broken the LED feedback. The "on" now doesn't feedback to my controller LED. Presumably because CSS doesn't pick it up, as it's outside the "on" value which worked at 100%.

PLease let me know if there is a solution as it's currently made my script unworkable.

Many thanks,


Control Surface Studio User

If am admin could confirm if there is a work around it would be much apreciated.


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Seth,
For the moment, I am not able to have a look at your issue. I will be back on Thursday night.
I would suggest a 'Reaction' that triggers the led could do the trick (if 'self.song().tracks[x].devices[x].parameter[x]' is not '0' then 'led on')
I don't know what script or mapping it is you are having trouble with. So if this doesn't help and you are able to give some more info on the script, I could be more helpful. ;-)
Till soon!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Wim,

Thanks for your reply, I believe your solution of reactions will solve my problem, however it is less elegant as requires 16X action blocks instead of just a single Parameter Bank which I believe should work.

I'll describe my problem in more detail as to me it seems like a bug but I may be mistaken:

I have a controller with 16X momentary buttons and 16X RGB LEDs. I want to control a single Live 11 device's 16X macros. I.e. turn on/off each macro with each button and feedback the status to the LEDs.

By simply creating a parameter bank with 16 parameters in CCS and mapping it to the device everything works great BUT the macros are only toggled from 0 to 100 as described at the start of this thread. If the "Maximum" value is increased to 127 then it toggles the macros fully on however it breaks the LED feedback. If this makes sense to you and is intended then that's fine I can go the reactions route, I just can't see why the LED feedback shouldn't work.

Let me know if I can provide more detail / upload my script.



Control Surface Studio User

Hello Seth,
I tried to recreate your issue and indeed, that is not normal behavior.
John is already investigating the matter. You'll soon have more news on this.
Thanks for letting us know.
Till soon!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Seth,
John already updated the code, can you try again? The issue should be fixed now.

Control Surface Studio User

Works perfectly! Thanks so much for your quick response.