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Submitted by aehaem on Sun, 03/21/2021 - 11:23
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Will there come an update for controlling the new rack snapshot feature of Ableton 11?

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14 Responses


Annette Brosin
Control Surface Studio User

I had asked about variations control a few weeks back and I think the issue is that, as is, it's not possible to control much of the variations.
However, 3rd party for the win! If you use the m4l devices Smooth Automator Midi and Smooth Automator Audio (free downloads), you can 1) map that to macros which can be controlled with CSS, or 2) somehow map these without macros with CSS, or 3) automate them.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes Please!!!!

Forum Admin

I'm not sure if Snapshots have any control options available via midi scripts yet.
If they do then this should be possible (at some point).
In the meantime, Annette's workaround sounds good!

Pro User

Hello, is there any way to map recall variations from macro controls yet?

Control Surface Studio User

There are Live API commands for selecting and launching macro variations - I'm away from my computer this week but will post them when I'm back.

Control Surface Studio User

There's info about them here in this object model document, in the Rack Device section:

selected_variation_index = [xxx]


Control Surface Studio User

I use this one, not free but very useful as it needs to be instantiated only once and controls variation on the selected track.

Pro User

Thanks for the replies guys! But can be implemented into Ableton Control Surface Script?

Control Surface Studio User

The Python lines I mentioned above can be incorporated into a reaction

Pro User

Oh, I see, not very familiar with Reactions and Python code but I will try to work it out.


Control Surface Studio User

Yeah sorry my posts are a bit brief - I've only got my phone here at the mo but will try to post an example reaction when I'm back in front of my pc

Pro User

I have been able to work it out, in case id useful for someone else here it is:

Listener: Button 33 was pressed
Actions: self.song().view.selected_track.view.selected_device.selected_variation_index = 0

In this way, when pressed button 33 it selects variation 1 and then recall selected (1) variation.

Pro User

Sorry the actions in the previous post got cut.

This is common on both...


An then...

selected_variation_index = 0

Control Surface Studio User

Nice one! My plan is to target a specific device (by index/name) so I don't have to select it, but that's all I'm doing differently.
Except... my other idea is to use one row of 8 buttons as "pages", to select the first variation in a set of 8, without launching it; then use the second row of buttons to select and launch a specific variation within that "page". That way I can get to 64 variations from the 16 buttons, instead of just 16.