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Share values with other scripts

Submitted by trololololol on Sat, 06/17/2023 - 19:00
Control Surface Studio User


I tinker around with the User.py and i try to get 2 scripts to exchange modifier values. Has anyone done that and can lead me to the right path?

All the best


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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Trololololol,
I am not a programmer but you probably already tried the three options given at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-import-variables-from-another-file-...

  • and then use . to access variable
  • from import and use variables
  • from import * and then use variables directly.

But if I get your question right you want it t be able to send both ways. I thought the variables from user.py are always callable in the 'scriptname'.py file so only importing from the 'scriptname'.py file to the user.py should be enough. Anyway, my knowledge is too limited to have a good answer.
Hope you find a way to make it work!
Good luck!