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Settings issue (Live Version list is empty) on Windows 10

Submitted by cyrille63 on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 16:31
Free User


I'm working on Windows 10 and Ableton Live 10.0.11.
I just bought CSS, download and launch “ControlSurfaceStudio.exe”.

In the config screen, the Ableton version list is empty (see attached screenshot).

I read another post where it's written that this list should come from Live versions in the folder :
I have some Live versions directories here (last one is "Live 11.0.11").

In case of, I also tried to change my display settings, but without effect, the list is still empty

Are there pre-requisites for Windows 10 installation ? Any special version of python or anything else ?

For information I launch the “ControlSurfaceStudio.exe” from the Download directory. Does it need to be launched from somewhere else ?

Other question : I tried to search in the registry, but I didn't find any references to remotify. Do you know where the settings are stored (the different locations, Live version, etc...) ?

Thank you in advance for your help, I watched all the tutorial videos and I’m very enthusiastic to use it, so I hope it will work fine on Windows 10.


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1 Responses


Free User

Any helpor thing to try ?
Without answer I will have to use the "Money Back Guarantee", as I can't do nothing in this state.
Thank you in advance.