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setting a track name to a modifier

Submitted by benwadub on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 21:09
Control Surface Studio User

hi, is it possible to set a track name to a modifier to reuse this modifier as an output for the track set output routing type.
the idea would be to send a track to an audio track with one push button instead of using n auxiliary, that could be an excellent hack to the missing group send of Ableton!

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7 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Actually, it is possible to do a group send in Ableton. :-)
1) Create a new 'Send Track' (for instance 'C')
2) Set the 'output type' of the sends you want to send on 'send only' (for instance on 'A' & 'B')
3) Right-click the send-dial 'C' (on send track 'A' & 'B') and choose 'Enable', now turn them fully clockwise.
Et voila, no need for hacking Ableton anymore ;-)

Control Surface Studio User

I know how to send in another send, what I like is changing the output of any tracks with a midi button so I can make a drum bus or an fx bus in one button push and this group stop to go through the master and go only to that group

Control Surface Studio User

Ok then.
I still need some more info since you want a one-button solution. That seems possible if you use a fixed audio track to route to per button. But that way, there is no need for a modifier, you just feed the name of that audio track to 'LOM' -> 'Track - set output routing type'. So in practice, you select the track you want to route away from the master and into an audio track (for instance 'drum bus'), push the button and the output will change to the fixed audio track you choose beforehand ('drum bus'). You can do that with any track you want, they all will pass through the 'drum bus' audio track and not through the Master. Now you can repeat that same routine for another button, which can be linked to for instance 'fx bus'.

If you want to use a modifier, I presume you want to put the name of the audio track in that modifier. This means you first select any audio track you want to route to. Then put the name of that track in the modifier, which is already one push of a button. Then you select the track you want to route away from the master and into an audio track (modifier). That would be a push of another button.
But this way, you have to press two buttons, one for putting the name of the audio track in the modifier and another one for sending the track to an audio track.

Both work, I just tried them. But I am still not sure if I got your question right, since you want a one-button solution and use a modifier.

I guess I will hear soon :)

Control Surface Studio User

yes you understood my goal! I wanted to use a modifier to try to find a solution not to use the name of the track as destination, I didn't really spent lot of time investigating in this, I have so much idea and so much button on my controller that I have lots of ideas coming to mind and that I need to test :-)

Control Surface Studio User

I can imagine, after having seen your mega controller... :-o

Control Surface Studio User

I'm super new.... How do I add the name to the modifier?

Control Surface Studio User

You cant. We want that for a solid year....