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Set start/end markers when turning knobs

Submitted by dstsources on Fri, 06/02/2023 - 19:52
Control Surface Studio User

Hi I'd like to map 2 knobs for setting the start/end markers (simpler) accordingly.
How can I define to CSS to distinguish when a knob is turning left and when right?
So for example if I move knob1 right, the marker moves to the right etc.

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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

hi dstsources ,
I am not sure if changing the markers is possible since I do not see that option in the reference guide (https://remotify.io/device-parameters/device_params_live10.html)
My guess is that Ableton simply did not make that feature possible otherwise it would be on the list.
Changing the Sample start and length are possible, you can use those instead.
What kind of encoders do you use?

Control Surface Studio User

I couldnt make it happen and used clyphx for that task.
I think one Problem is the UI to UI change. At the moment there is custom coding needed which i dont fully understand to show how to do it.

Control Surface Studio User

@trololololol That makes sense, I didn't know it was possible with Clyphx.
For my use, I prefer CSS, I find it easier to work with.
Thanks for shedding your light! That is how we all get a little smarter ;)

Control Surface Studio User

I use clyphx in combination, thats so convinient because you can set css and clyphx to be reactive on names. So it has a interface to exchange information easy.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok, that sounds very interesting indeed!
I didn't buy Clyphx because I found the learning curve a bit too steep. I am not a programmer and till now I can do everything I want with CSS.
I am sure that combining the two is awesome (if you have the skills) for advanced configuration like you seem to do!
Thanks for your insight!

Control Surface Studio User

Here is a script that scrolls the start position of Simpler. This script is made for an endless encoder (two’s complement binary) and it works in steps of 1% (+0.01 or -0.01). You can change the script to fit whatever controller you want.
Maybe this can get you started.