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SessionBox Offset

Submitted by aehaem on Mon, 11/20/2017 - 08:14
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I just recogniced,the SessionBo-offset just goes to Track 32...
I have over 60 Tracks in a preset,using 3 scipts, to have 3 session boxes, that would need to start from Tracks (offset left) 2, 28, 54(!)
This way I can Control three "different Loopers" (one for Midi Instruments, one for Guitar and one for Vocals) in Ableton, with different Layouts, so they won`t fit into the same SessionBox.
Also I wanted to move the SBoxes with Modes (Mode 1 starting at Track 28, Mode 2 at 33 and so on).

But this wouldonly be possibleif you could enlarge the SB-Offset skills of Remotify, so is there any chance, please?

Sincerely, Dennis

1 Responses


Pro User

Not possible?