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Session Navigation + Feedback with Lemur

Submitted by matty_mc on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 23:05
Pro User

Brand new user to remotify. I've created a custom midi surface using Lemur for iPad. On this surface, I have an 8x8 grid of pad controls and 4 buttons. I'm trying to create an 8x8 session box to match the pads and use the 4 buttons for navigation.

Firing clips from the session box works correctly.

Navigation also works correctly as long as I disable the output on the control surface within Live. As soon as I tell Ableton to send data back down my Lemur MIDI channel (which is useful for seeing which clips are present, playing, stopped, etc.), my session navigation controls no longer work.

Any ideas?

8 Responses


Forum Admin

Hmm, that's a tricky one.
Where are you setting it to send data back? usually, you should turn 'track' & 'remote' on for the input & output of your controller inside the preferences > link midi tab. That would give you feedback to your controller and shouldn't encounter any issues.


Pro User

I'm trying to attach a couple images that hopefully illustrate what I'm describing.

Pro User

here's a screenshot of Lemur with Live's Control Surface output turned on

upload files: 
Pro User

and here's one with control surface output set to None. This configuration is the only way the session box navigation controls function properly

upload files: 
Forum Admin

I've not had any experience with the Lemur before but this seems strange.
Have you had any other (none remotify) scripts work with the input & output enabled?


Pro User

Yes, there is a midi script specifically for an Ableton Live Lemur template that behaves as I would expect although, to be fair, that script does not utilize a session box.

Forum Admin

This is a bit of a mucky work around, but should work.

Create 2 separate scripts.

1. First script should contain the session box. In Ableton's preferences, have input & output turned on, so that you get feedback to the lemur.

2 The second script would also contain the same sized session box but also have the session box navigation controls in it. So that the navigation controls work, only have input turned on for this one.

3 In the session box settings for both scripts, ensure that "combination mode" is "on" for both of them. This will effectively stick the session boxes of the 2 scripts together so you can move both of them with the session box navigation from either script.

4 Load and attach both of them to your Lemur controller as you normally would in Ableton's preferences (ensuring that output is off for the navigation script).


Pro User

I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes. Thanks!!