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Session box navigation arms selected track

Submitted by armanatz on Thu, 04/21/2022 - 23:11
Control Surface Studio User


So I recently switched back to Ableton Live (and with it, CSS) and noticed that my old control script for my MIDI controller is behaving weirdly on Live 11.

For some reason, whenever I press the buttons that I use to navigate the session box left or right, it arms the selected track. I didn't remember this being an issue previously (granted I haven't used Live since 2020).

I checked the Python script that is generated and noticed that for the specific button definitions that control the session box navigation, there is a line that says self._arm_follow_track_selection(). I removed that line and now when I navigate the session box left or right, the selected track doesn't arm of course.

Is this intended behavior? If so, I didn't notice an option in the GUI to disable that feature. Do let me know if there is a way to disable this functionality apart from manually tweaking the generated Python script.

Thanks and keep up the great work with CSS.

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