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Session Box Led Feedback

Submitted by maxmartin89 on Thu, 06/09/2022 - 14:51
Control Surface Studio User

- Launchpad Mini mk2 with Session Box (8 Tracks, 4 Scenes) (combination mode On) and with Session Box Navigation map to button 7 and 8 (Inc and Dec)

- Traktor Kontrol F1 with Session Box (combination mode On) and with Session Box Navigation map to endless encoder 1 (relative)

When I move session box with Launchpad, both session box move, and session box led feedback at Launchpad moves ok.

But, when I move session box with F1, both session box move, but session box led feedback at Launchpad turn off.

I have tried with other controllers, but allways the same, when I move session box with a controller, only led feedback keeps in that controller

I upload video link

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

*In the video, only 5 rows are Session Box (4 clips and 1 Stop Button)