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Session Box LED feedback for loaded clips

Submitted by AnthonyM on Sat, 12/05/2020 - 16:50
Control Surface Studio User


Was wondering if there is meant to be LED feedback for a clip that actually has audio/midi loaded in the session box is idle. I went through all the videos but couldn't find this, nor the option in the session box settings? have a midi fighter twister and looking to get the button feedback to light up if something is in that box and blank (original controller setting) if empty.


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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Tony,

Have you tried using 'Clip Stopped' for if the clip slot contains a clip?
I don't think there's currently a way to set an LED feedback colour if the clipslot is empty. (We are working on a way to do thi this in the next release)


Control Surface Studio User

I'm having the same issue. Using 'Clip Stopped' means that the LED's for empty clips AND stopped clips light up the same color. Since there's no option to map a color for 'Empty Clips' the entire grid is one color with no clips playing. There is no way to know if you're firing a clip or pressing a stop button on an empty clip. This is a serious usability issue for the Session Box.