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Session Box follow Highlighted Track?

Submitted by sopwith on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 11:42
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, new user digging in to CSS, absolutely loving it so far.

Is there a way to have the Session Box follow the Highlighted Track Navigation? (for instance with a 1 track x 4 scene session box).

Is Reactions the way to go for this? I had a look through the LOM Listeners for Track, but I didn't see an an obvious "highlighted" state to listen for.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi, yes its quite simple really, I've attached a script which does this.
The script also moves the session box up and down with the selected scene.

For detail, here's what you need to do:

Use the listener event 'selected track has changed'
(live object model > song > selected track has changed)

Then for the first action, save the selected track number to a modifier
(script > modifiers > set the value of modifier 'script > selected track number)

And for the second action, select 'set session box position'
(script > set session box posiiton)
For the 'Track Number' select the modifier

As I mentioned at the top, I also did the same for the scene position - import the script into CSS for details.

Control Surface Studio User

> Use the listener event 'selected track has changed'

I must have missed this one in the LOM listener list, pretty obvious.

Thanks so much for your help, will give it a try!

Control Surface Studio User

Script works great, thank you John C!