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"sending bool" bug

Submitted by zenaudio on Thu, 05/02/2019 - 18:54
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

Has there been a recent update to CSS? Seems like something has changed.

I re-installed my script today and now when I open Ableton there's a message at the bottom saying "sending bool" which appears for a moment.

None of my LEDs are working properly. Being on when they shouldn't and in different colours than I specified. When I hold the buttons down on my controller I see the "sending bool" message at the bottom bar of Ableton which I didn't see before.

I've attached a photo.

The only thing I did previous to this was copy and paste some of my mappings into another script.

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13 Responses


Pro User

Done some more investigation by creating a completely new script:

1 mode
- 1 track
-- 1 mute and 1 solo

They are now sending automatic LED feedback without reactions. Maybe this is the new feature that was discussed. Seems to have completely broken my current reactions.

Is there any way to turn this off?

If this is the updated version with auto-reactions, the solo button is working well (solo on = LED on) but the mute will need to be flipped (currently: mute on = LED on)

Pro User

Same here.
And I was finally happy with my script. I just made a track number change and after installation of the script the led feedback has start acting really weird just the simple select of a track changes the led feedback for some of the pads on my controller.

Forum Admin

Hi guys,

Thanks for reporting and Sorry about this!
After investigating it seemed that a development branch containing LED feedback functionality had somehow made its way to the live server. This has been removed again now, please re-install your scripts.

It's good to know that some of it already works for you guys though :)

Pro User

Hi John,

I have reinstalled my script but the problem persists. I've made a new test script and the auto LED feedback is still there. I've even re-downloaded and installed the app and the issue persists. any ideas?

Forum Admin

Possibly the server code was cached for you. I have flushed all caches, can you try again?

Pro User

the problem is still there.

Pro User

Closed app and reopened. Created a brand new script with track mute and solo on one track. Problem still persists. Auto LEDs are there.

Pro User

I just re-downloaded the app. The version numbers between the installer and app are inconsistent. Could this give a clue? See image

Pro User

I just did a test myself with on/off, arm, solo on 2 tracks and I can definitely confirm that there still "auto led feedback assignment" https://www.icloud.com/photos/#0GVUtUfKWvM1IjPntR-9DZZrg.
The option is not bad, the bad thing is that is made automatically, would be nice a way to activate this feature as a default option of just for specific tracks for example, that way, the reactions that I have already set up does not become useless.

Also, a way to chose witch colour to be used with on/off values would be nice.
Maybe a general option with specific led colours for specific functions in Ableton. For eg a way to be able to select the general led colour for all the on/off track function and another colour for arm track...etc

does this make sense?

Forum Admin

Hi guys,

Thanks again for the response, I have personally gone through every possible reason this could still be happening and tested it fully. I'm pretty certain we should be back to normal now (no feedback).
And sorry about my slow replies, I have very little internet access at the moment and typically something like this has happened.

Rob, regarding the version numbers, don't worry about this. The 4.2.2. version number is the packager and 2.4.1 is the actual App version number, this is normal.

Dan, thanks for the suggestions yes this makes perfect sense. Yes there will be options to enable / disable feedback and to set the on/off velocity values.

Thanks guys.

Pro User

It's working now! Just rebuilt my scripts. Many thanks for seeing to this John.

I'm really looking forward to the update. If you're ever in need of beta testers for features like this I would also be happy to help.

Pro User

I can confirm that everything went back to normal!

Pro User

John, did you guys have come to a conclusion regarding led feedback, I'm asking so I wont waste time continuing to improve my script using the current way of doing things. I mean, if things would be simplify would be nice to have a peak of what will come :)