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Send - reset to zero

Submitted by davelouca on Mon, 01/02/2023 - 21:25
Control Surface Studio User


I would like that Knob 7 controls Send 6 of the Selected Track and when I press Button 7, Send 6 for the Selected Track is reset to the value that it was at when the session was first opened.

Is this possible? If not, I'll keep it as resetting to 0.

Any help appreciated.


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5 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

This is setup as Selected Track so Button 7 controls Send 6 for the selected track.

Control Surface Studio User

should be possible - you would need to hold the 'original value' in a Modifier variable and then trigger a reaction by button 7 to set the send back to the original Modifier.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do exactly, but it may get a bit complicated because I would think you would need to store that for each track in the session. if your track numbers stay the same, then doing this with a list shouldn't be too difficult with a reaction set to loop through the tracks and grabbing that default value.
I bet John would have a better solution to achieve this dynamically.

Control Surface Studio User

Thank you. I’m using the midi fighter twister for studio mixing. I’d like to be able for the twister to recognise the value I set when I saved for each send or device macro so that when I click reset, instead of going back to zero (which I’ve got working), it would reset to the value that I had it at previously (before jamming). The idea being I could use the twister to automate some send effects and then have it instantly revert back to my start position but without the work of creating a list of those values first. I hope that makes sense? If not, no worries, I’m happy with my setup, this would just enhance it.

Control Surface Studio User

ya makes sense, that actually sounds pretty useful. One thought I had would be have button 7 press record the send value (before jamming or tweaking) in M1 Modifier, jam away, then have a reaction listening for the next button press on button 7 to set the send value back to M1, and then maybe clear M1.
This would mean just remembering to hit the button BEFORE turning the send knob. I might add this functionality to my script too tbh haha.

Control Surface Studio User

If you get it working I’d love to borrow it from you. I need to put down the coding and mix for a bit. Got a new track to finish.