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self. get_ selected_ device _num ("view. selected_track") returns -1 for first device in track

Submitted by slasi on Thu, 11/24/2022 - 21:33
Control Surface Studio User

I have very simple script that outputs the selected_device_num whenever a selected device changed listener fires (self.song().view.selected_track.view.add_selected_device_listener)

When I select the first device it returns -1 as the index instead of 0. The second device returns 1 as expected

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

This has now been fixed.
When the first device is selected it will return 0 instead of -1

This is an update on the server so no need to re-download the app, just click the 'install to ableton' button and the update will be included.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for fixing this.