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Selecting controls during script editing

Submitted by thx538 on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 08:12
Control Surface Studio User

Good morning,
Quoting your documentation : clicking an input in the MIDI Controller Area will update the 'Controller Input' selection.
Unless I missed something it works here when editing the controller template but does not work when editing a mapping. Is it something planned in the future ?

One additional question : What is the purpose of the pale blue color which replaces the grey color on buttons when clicked in the controller template view ?

Thanks for you answer and best regards

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

"the controller template but does not work when editing a mapping. Is it something planned in the future ?"

Hi thx538,
When in 'script manager / mapping' view, the controller template is 'locked'. The controls can only be edited while in controller template is selected in the tabs on the left.

"What is the purpose of the pale blue color which replaces the grey color on buttons when clicked in the controller template view ?"
Do you mean the buttons in the visual display of the controller template? there's no meaning to them at present :)

I hope that helps.

Control Surface Studio User

Hello and thanks for your reply,
Just for clarity, I meant it would be nice, when editing a mapping, to click the controller template area and automatically feed or refresh the "controller input" combo box.
Best Regards

Forum Admin

Gotcha :) thanks for clarifying!