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Select/Delete Clips

Submitted by aehaem on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 17:40
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


Is there a way to use session Box with eg Launchpad to not only launch Clip Slots, but also Select or Delete Clips in that Slot???

Thank You

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12 Responses


Forum Admin

All of my answers lately seem to be pretty much the same sorry...
in the Reactions update you will be able to use the position of the session box to perform clip functions such as select/delete clips.



Control Surface Studio User

I was able to do this simply using behaviours via LOM

Via mode change ie press a qualifier to change the button source
self.song().view.highlighted_clip_slot = self.song().visible_tracks[self.track_num(0)].clip_slots[0]
is assigned to pad 1,
for pad 2 and so on

Shift + Pad 1 to delete (mode change)
and so on


Control Surface Studio User

Oops...I didnt notice you were not a CSS user...retract that sorry.

Pro User

Hey thank you, I am also a css user...

Control Surface Studio User

Oh ok...well as above...Your profile says Pro user...

Free User

Hi there!
I've been looking for years (really! [not every day of course...]) for a solution to delete clips in Ableton via hardware (MIDI controller). Unfortunately, Ableton has "forgotten" this essential feature.
I've really tested a lot and I'm also very familiar with different controllers, I would like to use my Launchpad MKII for this purpose. There are various scripts for the "missing delete button" on the web, and I've spent many hours testing them all. - Unfortunately, nothing worked for me or was too cumbersome...

At some point, out of frustration, I ended up using an iPad as a DAW instead of Ableton, with the "Loopy Pro" app.
I was excited! This is how I wanted it: double click on a pad of the launchpad = delete this clip - my "live looping dream" came true!
But after a while I missed Ableton (especially MAX...).

OK. another long search on the web, so i finally ended up right here. I got the Control Surface Studio demo and unfortunately had to find out that it's pretty useless because you can't test the scripts...

So now after all the speech to my questions:
1. Is there a tutorial for this function (I don't understand what "Imagine_Engine" wrote there and I've watched a lot of videos and browsed through the instructions but didn't find anything concrete about it...) ?

2. What is the "Reactions update" and has this already been implemented?

Control Surface Studio User

HI, i really need this feature - so i bought this app to do so.. is it possible????

Forum Admin

Hi, yes you can delete a clip via reactions by using the following action:
live object model > clip slot > delete clip
Then in the path menu (the little hand icon to the left of the menu)
Select the track and scene number that you want to delete.
To make it relative to the current position of the session box, select 'relative track' for track, and 'relative clip slot' for the scene...

Obviously you will need to select a button press as the listener for the reaction also.


Control Surface Studio User

Thanx, John! I'v created the reaction, selected clip delete and added a listener: MIDI controller > button was moved.. but it did not works....
You said that i need to add a listener for 'button press', how can it be done? i see only 'button moved' option in a listener midi controller menu...

Control Surface Studio User

oh, sorry, it all works!!! great!!

Control Surface Studio User

Thanx a lot, so now a i have a button to delete selected clip slot!)

So now i would like to have an option to select specific clip. I use akai mpk mk3 mini, and it has a joystick which can send CC 0-127 on each direstion: up, down, left, right. I would like to use it as a navigator to move highlighted clip slot, can it be done? can it be done via live object mode > application > scroll view? it tried via Highligt navigation - but there are only two options: Scroll and Number.. it would be great to add a Step there - to make a step right, down, left, up...
i have tried object mode > application > scroll view, but it looks the same.. it scrolls but not steps...

Control Surface Studio User

Step is solved:

iv added conditions where cc number reaches 127 - then it scrolls by 1