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Select Track in box

Submitted by Image_Engine on Sun, 07/12/2020 - 12:38
Control Surface Studio User

I hope I have this right;
I have a box consisting of 8 columns
I know I can use left and right to move the tracks, that works but its not how my workflow operates. I have 7 tracks grouped giving a total of 8 tracks. These are logically grouped into instruments etc. There are 8 of these groups. I want to select a box (using the bottom row of 8 keypads to move 8 tracks at time) and then be able to use the 2nd row of keypads to highlight a track within that box ie pressing the 2nd keypad should select the 2nd track within the box.
I am unable to work out how to do that...highlight doesnt seem to provide a box relative option and uses absolute positioning?

Thanks for any help

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18 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Mark,
The highlight mapping doesn't currently have an option to select relative to position of the session box...

However, this can be done quite easily using reaction mappings.
See the attached screenshot. In the 'do this...' section, see the second input box, this will select the second track inside the session box.
The number '1' in there is the track number.
Tracks are zero indexed meaning '0' is track 1, '1' is track 2 and so on.
I've also attached the script so you can simply download/import it into your CSS and use it.


Control Surface Studio User

Thanks...will check it out.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John
When I run that example I get the followinig error:

2020-08-27T09:14:14.277704: info: RemoteScriptError: self.song().view.selected_track(self.song().tracks[self.track_num(1)])
2020-08-27T09:14:14.277838: info: RemoteScriptError: TypeError
2020-08-27T09:14:14.277932: info: RemoteScriptError: :
2020-08-27T09:14:14.278029: info: RemoteScriptError: 'Track' object is not callable

I thought I had run it exactly as you had given?

Forum Admin

Oops my bad!
The middle menu in the 'do this...' section should be set to = and not ( )
I have updated the script (attached)

Control Surface Studio User

Still getting

2020-08-27T18:18:54.043877: info: RemoteScriptError: self.song().tracks.song().view.selected_track = self.song().tracks[self.track_num(2)]

2020-08-27T18:18:54.044007: info: RemoteScriptError: AttributeError
2020-08-27T18:18:54.044099: info: RemoteScriptError: :
2020-08-27T18:18:54.044190: info: RemoteScriptError: 'Vector' object has no attribute 'song'

Control Surface Studio User


Forum Admin

Check you Reaction, looks like you've entered:
it should be:

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John
I thought I had copy/pasted direct from your example..sorry I missed that. Once I get the pathing right...should all be good.

Control Surface Studio User

Great. That all makes sense now and the example works well.
The remaining thing is that the condition you specified is >80 which works
The button value that is generated is 96. When I set the condition to ==96, there is no response.
Is the argument simply decimal, hex or?
What is criteria for registering a change in the button?

Control Surface Studio User

Sorry to double up on posts but this is directly related...the above doesnt seem to work with folded tracks

Forum Admin

Yes the argument is decimal, 80 was simply used as an example, it can be whatever you need.
== 96 should work if the button sends that value when it is pressed. Live registers a button press behind the scenes, the reaction simply checks its velocity value at that point.

Control Surface Studio User

Yep thats all good once i understood that the field needs a stem
It all works...until you involve folded trick into the fray...try it and youll see what i mean...:-)

Control Surface Studio User

Should have given more information, so if you move a session box along and make the selected track, let's say track two in the box, once the box goes past a folded track the selected track disappears in to the folded track. So track_num(0) is no longer the first in the session box

Control Surface Studio User


Forum Admin

Can you use visible tracks in your reaction instead? this would ignore folded tracks.
visible tracks looks like this:
Compared to all tracks:

Control Surface Studio User

For anyone else; John has suggested the correct way to manage traversing hidden tracks. Doh for me :-\

Control Surface Studio User

Is there any way to add LED feedback to this reaction?
I.e.: If the track is selected LED is on, else LED is off.

Annette Brosin
Control Surface Studio User

I think you can do this right in the "track" settings, at the bottom of the screen it gives you the option for LED Feedback for "Track is selected".