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second Problem:)

Submitted by wesley-willis on Fri, 10/08/2021 - 17:19
Pro User

I mapped the Faders of my APCmini to Volume of tracks 9 to 16 as "specific" as my understanding is, they should stay now always for 9-16.
Then I build a redbox 8X8 and transport control by page to jump between tracks 1-8 & 9-16. Faders are supposed to control Volume of 9-16 independently of where the red box is.
Now when the red box is on tracks 1-8, faders work for tracks 9-16 (like I intended). But when I move the red box to Tracks 9-16, faders stop controlling Volume 9-16...
Where is the mistake?
Is there a complete Manual for the App?

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2 Responses


Pro User

so when I move the red box, the fader controles moves too, relativly to the red box. But I would like the fader always control the same dedicated channels. how would I do this? I know I can simply use abletons midi mapping here, but is it possible to do it with the script?

Forum Admin

when there is a red box, controls are automatically relative to the position of the redbox
(Note this is for the web app only - not Control Surface studio. With CSS you can set the controls to either be relative to the red box or not)