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Scroll through track with a knob?

Submitted by ckubi on Tue, 11/30/2021 - 15:33
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I’m really enjoying using Control Suface Studio.

I’d like to scroll through tracks with a knob so when the knob is at position 0 it’s on track one, when it’s on position 127 it’s on the last track. I couldn't think of how to do that with the Highlight Navigation mapping.

I could do it with reactions, but are there functions in the LOM to get the total number of tracks, and the currently selected track?


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2 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Here's a screen shot of how I did it:

Forum Admin

ckubi's screenshot will work if you want to do it with a reaction.
If you want to use the 'highlight navigation' mapping type to scroll through tracks, change 'select track/scene' to 'scroll
Screenshot attached.