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Scripts shift stops working

Submitted by Philippe on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 04:42
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


New pro user here. It works! Shift buttons is a dream come true. Unfortunattely, shifts stop working after a while. I have to put "none" as surface control and put it back, then it works again for a while.
When it works, Live indicated on a yellow bar at the bottom of the screen that a mode is activated, when it stops working, nothing shows up, no yellow bar, nothing.

Known problem?


7 Responses


Pro User

It seems to be related to other control surface such as PUSH 2 and novation launchpad. I don't experrience this problem when I unplug them.

Also, I have a script in which I have 2 button each activating mode a mode. I have also a switch button who turns mode 1 into 3 and mode 2 into 4.
The thing is, it does not come back to the previous mode it was when I release it, it gets stuck into mode 3 or 4. This behaviour only happen when shift button is in mode other than 0, in which it comes back to previous mode when shift button is released.

Pro User

*** The shift and mode button that stop responding happens even when every other controller are unplugged.

Forum Admin

Hi Philippe,

I just generated your script and tested it, there don't appear to be any bugs.

I think what you may be experiencing here is the intended functionality of the shift button.
If you have a shift button held down and press a mode activation button, when you release the shift button then it will no longer revert back to the previous mode.
Pressing the mode activation button with shift held down cancels out the shift button's "revert to previous mode" function on releasing it.

The reason for this is so that you can hold shift, press a mode activation button, release shift and it will stay in the mode you just selected.

I hope that makes sense, let me know your thoughts on this.


Pro User

The sudden unresponsivness of shift buttons is still a recurring issu, and it is quite annoying. Everything else work when this happen, but no more shift. As I said, I have to go in the setting and switch control surface to none and back to my script to make it work again.

Regarding the shift, what you say make sense and I figured it out. But, even when I am in whatever mode activated by a mode button, the shift button does not go back to that mode when released. I tested both momentary and toggle shift, both have the same problem.


Pro User

I converted my setup in such a way that I only use modes and no shift. The mode buttons do have the same problem, they stop working.

Would it be possible that there is a conflict between different control surface?

Forum Admin

Hmmm its difficult to say whats happening.
I think we need to delve into your log.txt file and see if there are errors happening when shift / mode stop working.

Could you do the following please,
1. close ableton (if its open)
2. open your log.txt file, delete all the contents of it and save the file again - so you now have an empty log file.
3. open ableton and make the shift/modes stop working.
4. once it has stopped working, either upload your log file here or email it to me at: john@remotify.io
This process should tell me if your script has an error and what it is.

If you're not sure where your log.txt file is located, you can find it in one of these places:

You’ll find the log.txt file here (based on your operating system)

Windows XP
\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\Log.txt

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\Log.txt

Mac OS X
/Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Log.txt

Pro User

Ok, I will do that whenever I have a minute!