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Screen Feedback

Submitted by Oneiroi on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 19:20
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

I know this topic has been mentioned in previous discussions, but I was wondering what priority do you give to working on getting some screen feedback? How soon do you think that feature could be implemented?

I own the Novation Remote 61SL and one of the reasons I bought it was for those 2 screens which tell me what I'm controlling and the value, really useful for not having to look back and forth between the screen and the keyboard, and also really useful for playing on the keyboard without wanting to set up a screen (performances and improvisations). I even preferred it to the newer mkII version because they took the right screen off for some reason. When I play, I like to be able to see very quickly what I'm controlling for quicker reactions.

Right now, the Ableton template implemented in the Remote gives me access to some controls, but it could be so much more and I'm contemplating all the possibilities I could accomplish with Remotify Pro. That being said, I still don't know if I would end up using a Remotify script because it would lack the screen feedback I get with the default Ableton template.

Any thoughts? Is there any solution I could work on myself for this?


3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Simon,

Sorry for the delay in my response.
I have no knowledge on displaying to a screen at the moment and there's still a lot of functionality we're developing before looking at this.

Out of interest, what script are you using which gives you output on to your screen? I'll have a little look at it and see if there's something you could copy into you remotify script.


Pro User

Hi John,

Thanks for your response. I actually found an old script on the Ableton forum for Novation SL series called SL Ultimate Control and it's working perfectly fine with my Remote SL and gives amazing screen feedback. Everything I was hoping for, except no control on Sends G to L.

I'm now looking to create a script for my Launchkey Mini (searched all over, but no remote scripts on the Internet) which I use for jamming or even composing when I'm out of home. I'd love to have a Session box and have different modes for controlling different parameters such as Sends and Mixer for Tracks 1 to 8 with my 8 knobs. If I could still keep the color feedbacks on the pads for Clip launching, that would be awesome!


Forum Admin

Cool I'll take a look at the SL Ultimate Control script when I get a chance.

You can do this -> "I'd love to have a Session box and have different modes for controlling different parameters such as Sends and Mixer for Tracks 1 to 8 with my 8 knobs".

With regards to " If I could still keep the color feedbacks on the pads for Clip launching, that would be awesome!"
News coming very soon about this, hold tight ;)
