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Roland TR-8S script...and wish list!

Submitted by Steven C on Tue, 04/06/2021 - 23:19
Steven C
Control Surface Studio User


I found Remotify Control Surface Studio over the weekend and it is the exact solution that I have been looking for! In two days, I wrote a meticulously detailed control surface script for my Roland TR-8S, taking advantage of it's 41 knobs with eleven channels of Returns A-C, modes for pans, crossfaders, device parameter control, red box. track and scene navigation and more. Just last week, some guy was offering to write me a python script for $50 USD an hour with no estimate of how many hours it would take! I'm going back to write scripts for my Komplete Kontrol M32 and APC-40 mk1.

There are some features I've been hoping for for some time now and would like to request an answer as to if these items are on the agenda to build into the program, and if there is a projected timeframe to include them. Would it be possible to include:

- auto arm of highlighted track (the arm button is lit dimly red when track is highlighted)
- Ableton browser functionality
- arrangement position functionality
- clip parameter control (adjusting the size and position of the loop brace, grid spacing, velocity editing, ect)
- step sequencing into a midi clip (I would literally pay extra for that!)
- midi note editing functionality (highlight a note, move it, lengthen it, ect)

Thank you!

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hey Steven,

Welcome to the forum, wow that's brilliant to hear and yes Python developers can be expensive, plus writing these script are incredibly time consuming!

In answer to your questions, all of the following will be possible with Reactions version 2:
auto arm of highlighted track (the arm button is lit dimly red when track is highlighted),
Ableton browser functionality,
arrangement position functionality... Note: I think this is only possible jumping to cue points (not 100% sure if there is another way)
clip parameter control

Step sequencing and midi note editing in general won't be available, sorry.

You can become a beta tester for Reactions v2 by adding a 'yes' in this forum topic: https://remotify.io/community/question/reactions-2-beta-testing-roll-cal...

Steven C
Control Surface Studio User

That's great news about the newest features. I'm excited that I found this solution and plan on getting as creative as possible designing functionality. I'll be sure to become a beta tester.

Question for you? Do you know of ANY solution that would allow me to step sequence directly into midi clips and edit notes from a controller other than Push? Thank you!

Forum Admin

Great, glad to have you on board as a tester :) not that I know of sorry.