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remotify and netlimiter

Submitted by Luc on Thu, 02/10/2022 - 22:19
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, i use a firewall named "Netlimiter" to allow or block app regarding if i want them to send info or not.
Normaly i configure it once for each app and it keeps the parameters .
But with remotify it's a nightmare. Just i one day of working with it !
I installed remotify in a specific folder out of my windows disk.
Each time i run remotify the app creates a temp folder with a new name and copy itself in it .
Then it is recognized as a new app for remotify.....and ask if i allow or not it...
that's a little bit annoying....
Plus when the app closes, it does delete the app in the temp but not the folder it created...
is it possible to make something that does not activate my firewall each time and that could delete the created temp folder once the app is closed ?? please ?
Otherwise , I waited a long time before buying your app and finally made the step today . Now that i begin to dig into it ....it seems Soooooo powerfull!!!! Thanks !

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9 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

oh ...i am on windows 10 .

Forum Admin

Hi Luc,
I'm not familiar with Windows sorry, is it possible to allow remotify based on the app name itself as this does not change?

Control Surface Studio User

Hi ! No it's not possible. The path is an important security component .Still, i found how to allow apps regarding your ip adress . your Ip is Allowed on my computer ... For each app ! ;') . That's less secure but it will not ask me each time if i allow remotify...Please , don't change your ip ^_____^ !

Control Surface Studio User

regarding the temp folder, i will see if i can schedule a task to clean those each days. Yesterday , it created around 30 folders !!!! :)... In one day ! lol https://remotify.io/sites/default/files/community-forum-uploads/css%20tm...
In a few days i will only have css empty temp folders ! ^_^ . But The biggest problem is solved for me and it's ok now ! ;) .
Thank you !

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Control Surface Studio User

Ok, Hell again regarding css+netlimiter firewall.
Yesterday i had your ip adress stable and today each restart of css change your called ip. Then it asks me again to allow your app each time...
Finally it would be cool if css does not create a copy of himself in windows temp directories each time it starts . It's the first time i see such a behavior for a software ... O.O .
Could you see what can be done ?
Thanks !

Control Surface Studio User

I think i understood what happened.
The downloaded app is an archive that auto-extract each time i start it ; In a generated windows temp folder .
Then it run the css app from there.
Now that i understood that , I extracted the archive and then run the css program extracted .Finally i have a stable path to run css...and i can then apply a classic rule to allow the app regarding his path !
Problem solves... pfiouf.... :D

Control Surface Studio User

regarding your documentation and the install process :
in the manual you say "Double click on this and follow the onscreen instructions to install the Application as you normally would for your Operating System."
In fact for windows user there is no install process. The program is just an auto-extract program that install your program eachtime we run the downloaded exe file .... in a different temp folder .... :-O .
That's a long term problem i think . As it does not delete those folders after extraction .
Plus , I don't know why, but with latest try to solve the netlimiter problem i notice that the created folder are not emptied once the app is closed... 256Mo for css X x... that could be
quickly a problem .

2 possibles solutions.
1-Create a real installer for windows
2-Create a simple zip file that can be extracted somewhere ?

Have a nice day ! Now i go back to the more important part ! explore css !!!

Forum Admin

Hi Luc,

Thank you for noting your findings here.
This will need some investigation but I just have 1 question, point 2 in your last comment mentions creating a zip file, could you explain this a bit more, i.e. I assume you don't just mean putting the download .exe in a zip folder? or do you?


Control Surface Studio User

I mean exactly a zip file with a .zip extension .
A normal archive .
and we just have to extract it where we want .
Then no confusion and no temp folder created for each restart of the software :D .

I have another question . Is it possible to have two sessions of css with different configuration .
I understand that on Ableton live 10 there is no need to restart each time the daw to refresh the midi script .
but it means changing the config file of css each time we want to switch between live 10 and 11.

I tried to extract the app in 2 differents folders :folder 1 named "css 10" and a second with the name "css 11"
I thought that the config file would be stored in each folder individually .
But it seems that this not the case .
If i save the config with the "Control Surface Studio.exe" of the css 10 folder , then it is mirrored to the config of the exe in the css 11 folder.
it means that the config file is somewhere else .
Then the question is . can we have 2 differents config files that could be switched from one session to another ?

Thanks !