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Remote script won’t import

Submitted by araneend on Thu, 07/14/2022 - 12:24
Control Surface Studio User

Hi , i recently bought the kuala hercules p32 script ,togheter with control surface studio to work with ableton live 11 , i can import the p32 template in ccs , but when i try to import the script , in script manager it says its not a script , and that its a controller , but when i try to import that script into the controller maneger , its says it is a script , but i cant import it , would like to hear some help , am i doing something wrong ?
Kind regards

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1 Responses


Forum Admin

The kuala hercules p32 script was built before Control Surface Studio and is compatible with the old web app only.

We do have a hercules p32 dj controller template here: https://remotify.io/community/question/hercules-p32-dj