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Relative 2's comp with Tempo control.

Submitted by Nicolas ROBIC on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 15:44
Nicolas ROBIC
Pro User


When I try to map a Tempo Control with a Relative 2's with the tempo control, It seems not working properly.

If I map it in Live, It work properly with the Relative 2's setting.

For information, the encoder I want to map is a Step by Step Encoder.

Chan 2 CC 10 Velocity 127 for the counterclockwise
Chan 2 CC 10 Velocity 1 for clockwise

(Top Left encoder of the Hercules P32 DJ)

If you have any idea about what happens or need to modify into the code, I take it !

Thanks !

3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Nicolas,

Did you try any of the other options? One of the 4 encoder options should cover it, but the question is which one...?
I'll take a look myself asap and see what I can find.
I sent you an email a little while back but didn't hear from you, regarding putting a script together for the P32.


Nicolas ROBIC
Pro User

Sorry, I probably missed this email.

One of my collegue is working on the Ableton Script for the P32, (he's more a power user than me).

I'll let him contact you if he needs support.


Forum Admin

Cool, I've just sent you an email.

Thanks Nic.
