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Redbox Script jump redbox by clipname

Submitted by MikeModul on Mon, 10/09/2023 - 16:07
Control Surface Studio User

Hey Folks,

I have checked the new version of the CSS and it is really impressed! :)

I also saw the following video


and i am really curious and excited if we have the possibility to jump with the redbox to a specific clip name. For example:

I have a clip name "Track1" - in Track 6 and when I trigger button cc1 my redbox jumps as reaction to clip name "Track1"

If I trigger button cc2, my redbox jumps to clipname "Track2" - in Track 11

This is something like similar to the Looper, where the reaction checks, where the Looper is, to trigger a parameter.

Another point would be, if this cannot be done, searching for a specific clip color and do the same with the redbox as descripted before.


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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Yeah. You loop through all Tracks and find the one with the name you search for. then save this into a modifier.
in a second reaction you set the red box offset to the modifier value.

Control Surface Studio User

Hey @trololololol ,

thank you so much, for your answer. Do you have an example how I need to build the reaction? Because, I do not know, how to save the clipname to the modifier and what I should write to the red box offset. Because, I would need 2 values. One for the track and the other for the right clip in the track.


Control Surface Studio User

PS: and I get a syntax error in the logfile it writes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1,

and the other:
line 221
for item in self.song().
invalid syntax