Reactions v2 tutorials

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Hi all, Reactions are a pretty huge topic packed with many new features. Which means there are a number of things that you will need to become accustomed with in order to get the most out of it in your script builds. So to help with this, I will be adding various tutorials in here as we go along.

1. Installing the Beta App & reactions version 1 vs 2
2. Listeners & Action Blocks
3. Using conditions in your reactions
4. Utilising reaction loops
5a. modifiers part 1: using modifiers to select tracks by name
5b. modifiers part 2: outputting the modifier value in the CSS log
6. custom lists: Using custom lists to select a specific group of tracks
7a. custom python coding with Reactions 2 ( files attached to this post)
7b. custom coding part 2: how to send a modifier value to the file ( files attached to this post)
8. Using modifiers with other mapping types
9. Get value from ranges
10. Getting the 'listener number' from inside Action Blocks
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Control Surface Studio User

Just digging have been busy!!!

Control Surface Studio User

Just what the doctor ordered...ok not doctor but hacker maybe

Forum Admin

New tutorial added: 7. custom python coding with Reactions 2

Forum Admin

New tutorial added: 9. Get a value from ranges

Forum Admin

New tutorial added: 10. Getting the 'listener number' from inside Action Blocks

Pro User

Sorry for my ignorance, but I still can't understand what REACTIONS really does, would it be led reactions? Knobs? Mechanized faders?

Forum Admin

The short answer to your questions is yes to them all :)
Reactions allow you to create your own configuration between an event happening in Ableton Live and an action happening on your Midi Controller (such as sending LED feedback), or vice versa!
Abit more info:
In a Reaction you have a listener and an Action Block

A listener is triggered when an event of your choosing happens in Ableton Live.
Any 'Action Blocks' in the Reaction are then ran, which will perform an acton such as sending LED feedback to your Midi Controller.

Here's an example:
I set the listener to be 'when playback changes'. This is an Ableton Live event, which will be triggered when playback starts in your session.
Then in the Action Block, I set the Action 'send MIDI velocity value to input' which sends a velocity to the selected input on the Midi Controller. I set this to button 1 on my controller and set it to send the value 127 to it.

Now, whenever the playback status changes in Ableton Live, a velocity value of 127 is sent to button 1 on my Midi Controller.

I recommend at watching at least the first 3 or 4 tutorials to get into the details a bit more.

Does that help at all?

Control Surface Studio User

Wow this looks great I’ll have a good play with it over the next few weeks

Jushia Tuphou
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

Hope you’re well! Will this evening’s YouTube stream reveal anything new for Reactions 2? Will we see a more straight forward implementation of navigation, that works across all track types?


Forum Admin

Hey Jus,

The video premiering this evening is an overview of Reactions (we also released version 2.6 / reactions 2 today - open 2.5.6 and download the new version, there's no need to use the beta anymore).
We have some more videos on the way this week, nothing specific to navigation though.