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REACTIONS: Using button delay feature

Submitted by Image_Engine on Fri, 01/27/2023 - 00:50
Control Surface Studio User

Im looking just to make some really simple/quick scripts and while I love coding python etc, Remotify saves me time...a lot.
So my question is, with various button behaviours eg inc/dec, you can alter the standard behaviour to include delayed press
What is the synopsis to use this in reactions?


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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Thinking about it a bit deeper, when I do this for OEM stuff, the hardware is managing the behaviours and I just write offsets so it literally is treated as a different listener eg
1 quick press = Gesture 1
1 long press = Gesture 2


These should be linked buttons
ie Button_1_1 should be gesture 1
Then a second stem is related to gesture 2

and so on.

Would be brilliant if the controller script could manage that all :-)