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REACTIONS: Mute condition/action

Submitted by Image_Engine on Fri, 09/04/2020 - 05:33
Control Surface Studio User

For general debug, would be great to be able to mute elements within reactions

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4 Responses


Forum Admin

Mute elements? do you mean tracks or something else?

Control Surface Studio User

No, different software uses different terms; some call it element supression...old school coding is just commenting the line out but basically hiding non dependencies so it much easier to trace bugs

Forum Admin

oh! I see what you're saying now. You mean like a disable option for mappings?
Yes it would be good, I've had this thought myself.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes...thats it...just gets messy once things get a bit bigger. I am however finding ways to trim down the scripts for efficiency...the biggest bloat is as mentioned in other post about being able to set a range of listeners ;-)