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Reactions and momentary buttons

Submitted by mauronedj on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 13:01
Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,
I noticed that if I set the reactions to start when a midi note is pressed, then it double triggers, one time when it receives midi on and another time when receiving midi off.
I solved this problem with velocity for now, but is there any way to do that in a more elegant manner?

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

Add a condition into your action block which checks that the velocity value of the button is equal to something i.e. 127
With a condition in place, it means the contents of the action will only process if the condition is met.

So in this case, only if the velocity of the button is currently 127, meaning when you release the button and it sends a velocity of 0, the condition will not be met and the action will not process... which is essentially momentary..

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John,
What I did is I used the first action block to check if the velocity is equal to zero and in that case exit the reaction.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Forum Admin

Yes that works too :)