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Reactions 2: Beta Testing Roll Call & Platform Opinions

Submitted by JohnC on Fri, 03/19/2021 - 11:58
Forum Admin
Control Surface Studio User

Great news! we are getting close to a Beta release for Reactions version 2.
If you're interested in being a tester for this, please add a 'yes' in this topic and we will be in touch when the time is right :)
... note: this is only available to people who have purchased Control Surface Studio.

One other thing, we're currently having a think about a suitable tool for beta reporting/chat.
I thought it would be a good idea to ask you all which tool/platform you would prefer
Currently we are considering:
1. Facebook Group
2. Slack
3. Trello
4. A separate forum on here.
Any other suggestions would be great, whatever is most convenient for you guys will probably be the winner.

Thanks all


Topic Category: 

23 Responses


Annette Brosin
Control Surface Studio User

"Yes": Not ever having tried the first version of reactions, I'd be interested to test 2.0 :)

For the reporting, I think I'd favour the 4th option and avoid 3rd party venues.

Control Surface Studio User

4th option to (I don't want to register to a third party service) maybe a private zone on the forum.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes ... option 4 sounds good!

Control Surface Studio User

Yes. Option 4 for me too :-) Trello is also cool. I don't use Facebook, so not that please :-)

Control Surface Studio User

Yes John
Im back for a little while so probably quite timely!
I think 4 also

Control Surface Studio User

Yes! option 4, thanks

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John
Has a listener for is_playing been implemented? Its impossible to have control script follow user UI ie they hit the start button on the screen...how to initiate LED feedback etc...unless Im missing something

Control Surface Studio User

Sorry...is_playing is there. No way to edit or delete posts...argh
I mean for stop events: I need to reset//refresh LED items..

Control Surface Studio User

Actually 'is_playing' is listed in conditionals but not first listeners?

Forum Admin


yes 'is playing' will be an available listener in Reactions 2.

Control Surface Studio User


Control Surface Studio User

How far away is it? Is there an alpha list?

Steven C
Control Surface Studio User

Yes I'm interested in becoming a beta tester. Thank you.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes, I am interested.

Control Surface Studio User

yes ! and option 4

Remotify Team
Forum Admin

Beta testing is now open. If you have added your name here and purchased Control Surface Studio at least 30 days ago, then you should have received an email with access details.

Control Surface Studio User

hi !
I didn't receive the mail with access details , is it possible to send it to me ?
thanks !

Forum Admin

Hi, I think because you hadn't held a licence for more than 30 days. However, you have now been added as beta tester and should receive an email shortly.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi, if it's still possible, I'd like to participate in the beta as well, thanks!

Jushia Tuphou
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

I see from the Browser Navigation thread that a new beta version should be about ready. I'd like to join in and test, please.


Forum Admin

Hi guys,

The Reactions V2 Beta is now open to all CSS users!
You should see a link to the beta testers forum at the topic of this forum (the link says: Beta Testing Forum - click here)
In that forum are links to download it.

Thanks a lot for your interest!

Control Surface Studio User

I say option 4 also

Control Surface Studio User

testing the beta CSS.. so far way better than older... the Reations part is more intuitive and easy than older reations.